Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship

A Professional Organization for Anabaptist in Healthcare Professions
Annual Gathering moves to VIRTUAL Format – Join Us From Your Home!

Annual Gathering moves to VIRTUAL Format – Join Us From Your Home!

MHF’s Annual Gathering 2024 will now be VIRTUAL so all can participate from the comfort of their own home (or local coffee shop!). Please join us for what is sure to be a meaningful weekend of presentations considering “What is an Anabaptist healthcare ethic?”. How do we bring the values and ethics of Anabaptism: Community, Peacemaking, and Care for Others into our practice? Join us from anywhere!

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COVID-19 Resources

Resources for churches, organizations, and faith-based settings from MHF members and friends – aligned with an Anabaptist Perspective.

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  • #MennoHealth
  • #IamMHF
Elizabeth NafzigerThe clinical aspects of this [SET in El Salvador] were a highlight of medical school, without a doubt. But what I appreciated most was the opportunity to improve my Spanish so that I can communicate better with my patients who are Spanish-speakers and to become more culturally sensitive. My understanding of global health…has a greater depth and a firmer foundation thanks to this experience.
Elizabeth Nafziger, MD

SET student, 2015