Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship
Blog articleI’m glad you asked! I get variations of that question asked of me quite frequently.
Here is the short version of what MHF actually did this past year.
- Published 4 editions of Mennonite Health Journal and provide them free online
- Sponsored, planned, and hosted the 2013 Annual Gathering in Goshen, Indiana
- Sponsored an international visitor to the Annual Gathering, Dr. Gaspard Mahuma from the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Had display and sponsored luncheon at School for Leadership Training at Eastern Mennonite Seminary
- Had display and participated in workshop at Mennonite Health Assembly in Orlando, Florida
- Had display and sponsored reception at Mennonite Church USA Convention in Phoenix, Arizona
- Sponsored 7 Regional Meetings in 5 states
- Sent 2 Student Elective Term (SET) students to terms in developing countries
- Appointed 2 more students for SET terms in 2013-14
- Assumed administrative responsibility for the Anabaptist Center for Healthcare Ethics (ACHE)
- Created a modern interactive website as well as maintained a Facebook page
MHF can only function as members contribute their time, talents, dues, and donations. With our new web-based membership system, past members, current members, and prospective members can become “New Members” by selecting the blue button on the Members page and paying dues and contributions online. Do it today! Thanks for your support!
About the author
Paul D. Leichty, M.Div. is Executive Director Emeritus, having served as the first Executive Director of Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship (MHF) from Sept. 2011 through May 2020. Paul has served as a pastor, church musician, computer support person, disabilities advocate, and administrator/organizer of a number of church-related ministries. Paul also served as Executive Director of Congregational Accessibility Network which was transformed in 2022-23 to Disability Ministry Network. He is a member of Agape Fellowship of the Mennonite Church in Williamsport, Pennsylvania where he lives with his wife, Twila Charles Leichty.