Board President named "Emerging Leader"

Lyubov Slashcheva participates in special program at MHA





Board President named “Emerging Leader”

Lyubov Slashcheva, DDS, FABSCD, President of the Board of Directors of Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship, was named one of eight “Emerging Leaders” at the recent Mennonite Health Assembly (MHA), February 28-March 2, 2019 in Wichita, Kansas. Emerging Leaders were selected from nominations of professionals under the age of 35 who are interested in leadership or board service in an Anabaptist healthcare setting. The Emerging Leaders enjoyed special programming, including a training event at the Kansas Leadership Center, networking sessions, and the Strengths Quest Inventory. Facilitation was be provided by Rachel Swartzendruber Miller, Ph.D., Vice President of Enrollment at Hesston College. Rachel teaches the Hesston College “Foundations in Leadership” course and has received training in adaptive leadership concepts and strength based leadership.

Lyubov Slashcheva

Photo courtesy of Macson McGuigan/EMU

In addition to her role at MHF, Lyubov is the Chair of the Board of Reference of CSCS (Center for Sustainable Climate Solutions). Lyubov is currently a Geriatric & Special Needs Fellow and Dental Public Health Resident with University of Iowa College of Dentistry. She has also participated in numerous short-term mission projects, research on the dental needs of at-risk populations, and event planning all while finishing a dental residency and MPH degree.

When asked to evaluate her experience in Wichita, Lyubov described her leadership journey and what motivated her to accept the invitation to the Emerging Leaders program. “My family immigrated to the US when I was five years old. As the youngest of three, I spent a good part of my childhood helping my parents navigate language barriers and workforce/healthcare systems. These opportunities enabled me to develop some skills, including critical thinking, persistence, and standing up to authorities/bureaucracies, to name a few. Throughout my college, dental school, and residency training, I have sought out community service, research, professional, church-related, and faith-based organizations with which to engage actively, often in positions involving decision-making and facilitating group projects. I accepted the invitation to participate in the Emerging Leaders program at MHA to connect with like-minded young Anabaptist professionals from whom I could learn and with whom I could share experiences of leading.

Emerging LeadersShe continued, “I have reaffirmed my understanding of leadership as an activity of which everyone is capable. This is an empowering idea for both being part of and facilitating the work of groups of people… The framework of leadership presented through this program is affirming for somewhat introverted persons like myself. It is encouraging to know that self-awareness and a more mindful approach to leadership are strengths for individuals and teams. Before this program, I was still tempted to believe that if I were to continue serving in leadership capacities, I would have to learn to compensate for my introverted tendencies; the program has reframed my thinking about the strength that these personal character tendencies bring to capacities of leadership…. The opportunity to meet with like-minded young professionals working for Anabaptist organizations was very encouraging and inspiring. Having the Emerging Leaders program embedded within the MHA program allowed for broader networking and exposure to the experience of others’ careers in leadership.”

Lyubov will complete her residency along with a degree in public health this summer. She and her husband, Scott Roser, plan to move to Rochester, Minnesota where she will take a position as a dentist in a non-profit dental practice.
