Racial Justice is Integral to Health & Shalom

MHF Statement on the Killing of George Floyd


MHF is a collective of healthcare providers committed to Mennonite principles of non-violence, justice, and service.

As such, we publicly condemn the killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and all instances of state-perpetuated violence. These killings have occurred in the midst of the Covid19 pandemic which has inflicted disproportionate harm and death on Black bodies and communities. We believe that achieving Racial Justice in this country and worldwide is integral to bringing true health, healing, and Shalom to our world. We believe that Jesus stood with and for the marginalized, giving himself up to state-perpetuated violence to reveal both its horrors and its ultimate weakness against the full power and Shalom of God. As healthcare providers committed to the Way of Peace, we stand in solidarity with the Black community in calling for a recognition of the harms of racism and the necessity of racial justice within and external to our healthcare systems.

We pray as Jesus taught us: “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” 

For our members looking for resources for themselves and their congregations, here is an extensive lists of Anti-racism resources.


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