Call for Proposals

Annual Gathering 2018

Call for Proposals: Workshops/Plenary Sessions

Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship Annual Gathering 2018

Proposal Deadline:   Sunday, November 12, 2017

Ideas wantedYou are invited to submit one or more workshop or plenary session presentation proposals for the Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship Annual Gathering, June 22-24, 2018 at Hueston Woods Lodge and Conference Center, College Corner, Ohio.   The theme for Annual Gathering 2018 is “Stories of Healing.”   Both workshops and plenary sessions should examine the interaction between faith, community, and healing.  Reflections on healing in the role of patient/client, in the role of healthcare provider, or as a community fit within this theme.  Perspectives from medicine, nutrition, mental health, chaplaincy, and other related fields are encouraged.  Presentations of significant interest or timely nature that are not on the theme will also be considered.  All proposals must be submitted by Sunday, November 12, 2017.  For more information and to submit a proposal, visit the Proposal Form page
