Seeking Executive Director

Half-time role to start between May and September 2020

Seeking Executive Director

Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship (MHF) is seeking a half-time Executive Director to start between May and September 2020 who:

  • is committed to Anabaptist values and enthusiastic about MHF’s Mission Statement 
  • has an intergenerationally compelling vision for building and sustaining MHF’s network of fellowship and service
  • can draft a fresh strategic plan to implement the mission and envision what MHF might do in the future
  • is a good communicator who can draw in younger health care professionals with these values  
  • is an innovator and creative networker who knows how to use technology to provide valued resources 
  • has proven skills in administration, communication, budget preparation/management, and evaluation

The Board of MHF welcomes applicants who have the vision, qualities, and skills we are looking for.  If this challenge sparks your interest, send your resume and statement of intent, including the broad strokes of your vision and thoughts about a strategic plan, to To learn more about MHF, visit the website at


Copy and distribute freely through April 15, 2020. 

Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship (MHF) is seeking a half-time Executive Director to start between May and September 2020 who is committed to Anabaptist values and the mission of MHF, has proven skills in administration, communication, and networking, and has an intergenerationally compelling vision for MHF. Interested persons are invited to send a resume and statement of intent, including the broad strokes of your vision and thoughts about a strategic plan, to More information at

