10 Ways to Be More Involved with MFH

Did you know that MHF is always looking for volunteers to help us further our mission? Here are 10 ways to serve with MHF, helping us fulfill our mission and building God’s kingdom of Shalom of Healing.

#1: Join a Subcommittee 

Our Development Committee and Global Services Group are actively seeking new members. Development helps us with fundraising and growth goals, and the Global Services Group helps administer our flagship program: Student Elective Term.

#2: Submit an Article or Reflection for the Mennonite Healthcare Journal

We would love to receive articles from our members relating to their areas of expertise, how they integrate Anabaptist theological principles with their own healthcare vocations, and reflections on being a provider during the time of Covid. E-mail articles to journal@mennohealth.org

#3: Become a peer-reviewer for the Mennonite Healthcare Journal

We would love a few more peer reviewers for the Mennonite Healthcare Journal, particularly Chaplains, Public Health Providers, Dentists, and Psychologists/Psychiatrists. 

#4: Propose a Topic or Lead a Study Group

Study Groups within MHF reflect together on a topic of interest to Anabaptists serving in Healthcare Professions.

#5: Propose a session for a Virtual Gathering

Is there a topic that deeply interests you and connects to an Anabaptist healthcare vocation? Let us know!

#6: “Coffee with Cate”

Our Executive Director, Cate, loves getting to know our members over virtual Zoom ‘chats’. She would love to hear your story of being an Anabaptist in healthcare. You can schedule here.

#7: Share about MHF in your Congregation

With Churches meeting mostly via Zoom and online formats right now, it’s a great time to ask for 5 minutes to share about the mission of Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship with your congregation. We are happy to provide materials for this purpose. Consider asking if MHF can be a part of a special offering taken for mission within your congregation.

#8: Register for one of our Upcoming Virtual Gatherings

Our next Virtual Gathering is Saturday September 19 at 9 am focused on Global Mental Health in the time of Covid19, featuring MCC partners providing Mental Health Care worldwide. Register here.

 #9: “Shoulder Tap” a Student or Early-Career healthcare provider 

Invite them to join MHF and take advantage of our SET Program and our Stephen Roth Grants for cross-cultural service.

#10: Consider whether you may be called to a period of international service with MHFs support

If you are a student, inquire about our SET program. We are glad to provide guidance as to possible sites for service. If you are a professional, consider our Stephen Roth Memorial Grant program. New opportunities for Chaplains to serve abroad have recently become available as well. 




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