Mennonite Health Journal

Articles on the intersection of faith and health








This issue of Mennonite Health Journal

Paul D. Leichty

from Mennonite Health Journal, Vol. 15, No. 4 – November 2013

Peter CarneyThe lead article in this issue picks up on the “Moral Dilemmas in Healthcare” theme of the 2013 Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship Annual Gathering held in June.  Peter Carney, a neurosurgeon from Elkhart, Indiana, explores the topic of Reclaiming Moral Probityfrom a Christian perspective as it relates particularly to the responsibility of physicians in the current climate of healthcare reform in the United States.

Barry HiebBarry Hieb, a physician from Tucson, Arizona, working in medical informatics, informs readers of a proposed solution to another dilemma in the increasingly automated U.S. healthcare system, balancing Identity and Privacy concerns for each individual patient.

MHF Executive Director Paul Leichty follows up on a column in the last issue of MHJ on societal choices, with an article in this issue on Personal Choices in Community Context.”

John StoeckleTurning to the international scene, the final two articles encourage us to see the world from the interface between North American affluence and the poverty and lack of resources in many developing nations.  MHJ is particularly pleased to offer Reflections on SET in Zambia,” a Student Elective Term report by John Stoeckle from Philadelphia, who completed his SET term in April and graduated from medical school in May.

Finally, Murray Nickel, president of International Mennonite Health Association shares his thought-provoking musings from the perspective of the Congo, in a short piece entitled, Hanging on for Dear Life.”

As always, the perspectives of our readers are also welcomed and we welcome additional articles for upcoming issues of Mennonite Health Journal. Contact us as noted below.

Published by
Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship
PO Box 918
Goshen, IN 46527-0918
Phone: 1-888-406-3643

Paul D. Leichty, Editor
Joe Longacher, Executive Editor

Photographs supplied by authors.

About the author

Paul D. LeichtyPaul D. Leichty, M.Div. is Executive Director Emeritus, having served as the first Executive Director of Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship (MHF) from Sept. 2011 through May 2020.  Paul has served as a pastor, church musician, computer support person, disabilities advocate, and administrator/organizer of a number of church-related ministries. Paul also served as Executive Director of Congregational Accessibility Network which was transformed in 2022-23 to Disability Ministry Network. He is a member of Agape Fellowship of the Mennonite Church in Williamsport, Pennsylvania where he lives with his wife, Twila Charles Leichty. 
