Mennonite Health Journal
Articles on the intersection of faith and health
Mennonite Health Journal, Vol. 16, No. 1 – February 2014
Paul D. Leichty, editor
Many of us in North America have experienced an unusually cold and snowy winter. This issue of Mennonite Health Journal (MHJ) looks forward to the events of this spring and summer when we anticipate getting out into warm temperatures and warm fellowship! A listing of these (already known) spring and summer events can be found elsewhere in this issue. A special feature of this issue is to introduce the theme of the Annual Gathering 2014, June 13-15 at Laurelville. Since Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship (MHF) is an organization operating at the intersection of faith and the healthcare professions, it seemed appropriate for this year’s theme to be “Faith at Work: Practicing Our Profession.” Paul Leichty, MHF Executive Director, explores the multiple facets of this theme in his Editor’s Column.
Our feature article is reprinted through the gracious permission of Everence after it first appeared in their Fall 2013 edition of Everyday Stewardship. Laurie Oswald Robinson’s article, “When Tim met Kathy,” highlights the intersection of faith and work in the lives of Tim and Kathy Wiens of Newton, Kansas. Tim and Kathy were recipients of the Everence 2013 national Journey Award which recognizes people who model Christian stewardship. We think you will find their story inspiring.
Moving onto the international scene, MHJ recognizes the very difficult issues surrounding medical and other human service work in the developing nations of the world. A review of Murray Nickel’s 2013 book, Rhythms of Poverty introduces affluent Western Christians to the immense complexity of attempting to live out the compassion of Christ across cultural and economic boundaries.
Speaking of the international scene, the editor introduces the tremendous opportunity for North Americans, especially those in the state of Pennsylvania, to host Mennonite World Conference and its Global Assembly in July 2015. MHF is already beginning to plan for that occasion by scheduling Annual Gathering 2015 for the same area and just prior to the Assembly itself. Finally, MHF President, Joe Longacher, shows how a simple act can generate happiness as we continue in our faith journey. You are encouraged to find your own ways of passing it on!
Published by Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship PO Box 918 Goshen, IN 46527-0918 Phone: 1-888-406-3643 Email: Web: |
Credits: Paul D. Leichty, Editor Joe Longacher, Executive Editor Photographs courtesy of Everence, Vada Snider, rgbStock, Microsoft. Additional photographs supplied |
About the author
Paul D. Leichty, M.Div. is Executive Director Emeritus, having served as the first Executive Director of Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship (MHF) from Sept. 2011 through May 2020. Paul has served as a pastor, church musician, computer support person, disabilities advocate, and administrator/organizer of a number of church-related ministries. Paul also served as Executive Director of Congregational Accessibility Network which was transformed in 2022-23 to Disability Ministry Network. He is a member of Agape Fellowship of the Mennonite Church in Williamsport, Pennsylvania where he lives with his wife, Twila Charles Leichty.