Call for Proposals

Annual Gathering 2020, September 18-20, at Laurelville






Call for Proposals

MHF Annual Gathering 2020
September 18-20, 2020
Laurelville Mennonite Church Center
Mt. Pleasant, Pennsylvania

Journey to Shalom:
Community Health, Personal Care

Proposals due Monday, February 10, 9:00 a.m.

You are invited to submit proposals for workshop or plenary session presentations at the Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship Annual Gathering 2020, September 18-20, 2020, at Laurelville Mennonite Church Center, Mt. Pleasant, Pennsylvania. The working theme for Annual Gathering 2020 is “Journey to Shalom: Community Health, Personal Care.”

Christian healthcare workers are servant leaders on a journey seeking the total health and welfare of persons in their communities. This leadership requires a holistic vision of health of body, mind, and spirit that is biblically informed and applicable to individuals, families, local communities, and the world.

Proposals for both workshops and plenary sessions should touch on this theme in some way. Proposals are especially welcomed on the following topics:

  • The Biblical concept of “shalom” as it encompasses wellness, holistic health, and community health.
  • Ethical considerations in the practice of healthcare.
  • Climate change and health.
  • Tension points in public health including the subjection of healthcare to market forces, and caring for the health of the poor and persecuted, e.g. the US southern border, indigenous communities, etc.
  • A Christian perspective on the STEM-humanities culture war.
  • Trauma-informed care in a violent world.
  • Year of the Nurse and Midwife – Providing the personnel for improving health globally.
  • A theology of suffering in the context of shalom.
  • Food from field to table: Justice, sustainability, and healthy eating

Plenary sessions will be 40-50 minute large group presentations as part of an hour time slot. Panels of diverse professional perspectives are particularly welcomed.

Workshops will be one-hour smaller group interactive sessions.

Please submit a copy of your CV along with your completed form for each presentation proposal. For proposals involving more than one person, have a coordinator fill out this form and see the note at the end to add information.

All proposals must be submitted by Monday, February 10, 9:00 a.m.

Questions can be directed to MHF Executive Director, Paul Leichty at

Visit the Annual Gathering 2020 page for emerging up-to-date details! 

While you are here…

Support MHF by updating your contact information and making a membership contribution today! 

Recommend a presenter

Do you have an idea of someone else who might have a presentation on this topic? Use the form below to send them a quick email directing them to this page. Simply fill in the information and modify the message as you wish. We will take care of the rest.

Send them an email

Email prompt for a potential presenter at Annual Gathering 2020

  • Name of person submitting this form.
  • Enter your email address here
  • Potential presenter's name
  • Email address of the potential presenter to which you want to send email.
  • Edit this message as you see fit.
