Grant Recipients 2016

Project funding through Steven Roth Memorial Grant Program

Grants awarded in 2016

Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship is pleased to announce the following grant recipients through the Steven Roth Memorial Grant Program for 2016. For more information about the grant application process, please see the main Grant Page.

Lyubov Slashcheva, DDSLyubov Slashcheva, DDS

Volunteer dental work in South Asia

Lyubov Slashcheva completed her DDS degree at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) School of Dentistry in Richmond, Virginia and graduated in May 2016. In the fall of 2016, she moved to Iowa City to begin her three years of residency at the University of Iowa as well as working toward an additional degree in Public Health. As a Steven Roth Memorial Grant recipient, she spent May 21-June 24 in Manali, India working in a dental school and hospital in that rural region. Lyubov completed her undergraduate studies at Eastern Mennonite University in 2011 and has participated in numerous research and service opportunities. She has been active at First Mennonite Church of Richmond and First Mennonite Church of Iowa City. 

Laura Krabill Kheshgi, DMDLaura Krabill Kheshgi, DMD

Volunteer dental work in Tanzania

Laura Krabill Kheshgi graduated in June 2016 with a DMD degree from Southern Illinois School of Dental Medicine in Alton, Illinois (greater St. Louis area). Following graduation, she and her husband, Tarik Kheshgi, moved back to Laura’s hometown of Tiskilwa, Illinois, where she attended Willow Springs Mennonite Church. Laura is a 2012 graduate of Goshen College with a degree in Biology. One of the formative experiences during her Goshen College experience was her Study Service Term (SST) in Tanzania in East Africa where she volunteered at a rural dental clinic. Thus, Laura and Tarik spent 9 months doing voluntary service work in Tanzania beginning in October 2016. In a country where there is one dentist for every 150,000 people, many persons believe they have no choice but to live life in severe dental pain, which makes it very difficult to eat, speak, work and sleep. Laura provided volunteer dental care in Arusha, Tanzania. Laura reported about her experience at Annual Gathering 2017 at Laurelville.

Indigo Miller, RN, BSNIndigo Miller, RN, BSN

Sexual and reproductive health knowledge project in Tanzania

Indigo Miller is a Registered Nurse and Adventurer from Colorado. After receiving her BSN from Goshen College in 2013, Indigo returned to her hometown of Colorado Springs and began working on a Long-Term Care Rehab unit. In 2015, she moved to Postpartum Care in a large new medical center. She was active at Beth-El Mennonite Church in Colorado Springs and in the wider Mennonite Church. In September 2016, she returned to Tanzania where she did her Goshen College Study Service Term (SST). Facilitated with a Steven Roth Memorial Grant, she spent nine months working as a public health volunteer. Her goals were to immerse herself in the cultural context and build relationships in both rural and urban communities. Working alongside local and international healthcare workers, she will focued her efforts on reproductive and sexual health education for youth and women. Upon returning to the United States she carried these passions and experiences into her studies as a Masters of Public Health student. She also enjoys outdoor activities like mountain hiking, backpacking, rock climbing, and running.  Indigo reported about her experience at Annual Gathering 2017 at Laurelville.



Mennonite Health Journal