About MHF

Called to care. Caring to serve.


A professional organization for Anabaptist individuals working in all areas of healthcare

MHF LogoMennonite healthcare workers from across the globe now have a place to engage with each other. Formed in 2011 with a legacy which dates back to the 1940’s, Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship serves Mennonite and other Anabaptist individuals with the resources they need to integrate their faith into their professional and personal lives.

Mission Statement

The mission of Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship (MHF) is to be an interdisciplinary community of Anabaptist health professionals that seeks to nurture the integration of faith and practice, provide opportunities for dialogue on health-related issues, and address specific needs through education, advocacy, and service.

The organization aims to be:

  • An interdisciplinary community of Anabaptist health professionals with the intent of nurturing the integration of faith and practice.
  • A viable and dynamic resource to Anabaptist health professionals, other Anabaptist-based organizations, and to the healthcare arena as a whole.
  • A vehicle for Anabaptist health professionals, wherever they are located, to develop relationships, stay connected, and dialogue on pertinent issues and concerns on an ongoing basis.
  • A collective presence that addresses specific needs through education, advocacy, and service.


Healthcare professionals from the full spectrum of healthcare services, training and academia, and ministry are welcome to join in membership and participate in MHF.

Members shall be those who are part of a healthcare-related discipline, who embrace Anabaptist values, and who support the mission of MHF.

See our Membership page for more details.



Mennonite Health Journal