Calendar Discover what's going on. [calendar id=”413″] Search this site Search for: Announcements 2024 Annual Gathering Recap: MHF Celebrates 80 Years Virtually!Annual Gathering moves to VIRTUAL Format – Join Us From Your Home!Keynote Speakers Announced for Annual Gathering 2024!Announcing MHF’s New AddressMeet MHF’s New Board Chair – Donna Minter Webinars Recording Available – Nazareth Chaplaincy Volunteering and Nazareth Hospital MHF Virtual Conversation: SERVE Nazareth and Nazareth Hospital Experiences Introduction to Self-Care for Resilience – Virtual Training, May 23rd at 7 pm EST Recording Available: How Do Anabaptist Healthcare Providers Function as Catalysts for Social Change? How should Anabaptist Healthcare Providers respond to Gun Violence? Virtual Conversation, February 21st, 6pm EST Virtual STAR Training Opportunity for MHF Members! January 25 December 11 Virtual Conversation: Building Context – Framing the Five Life Standards for the Healing Professions Project Putting Faith into Practice: June 19th Global Conversation Opportunity with GAHN MHF and Nazareth Project Inc. welcome interested Christians to consider service term in Nazareth providing Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care: INFORMATION SESSION February 27th, 2021 VIRTUAL CONVERSATION: How is God Shaping Us in this Season? Mennonite Health Journal SET Report from Tim Lehman – Serving with IHS in ArizonaMHF Virtual Conversation: SERVE Nazareth and Nazareth Hospital ExperiencesStephen Roth Grant Report: Teresa and Dale Regier in Nazareth, IsraelEmmett Till, Aamir, and Our Interconnectedness: A Sermon on Firearm ViolenceThe Anabaptist Healthcare Worker: Pursuing a Call to Nurturing People as a Life StandardA Review of “Together in Galilee” by Robert MartinSET Report: Jesse Voth-Gaeddert, “Love They Neighbor As Thyself.”