When No One is Looking

Mennonite Health Journal Articles on the intersection of faith and health               When No One is Looking Joseph Longacher, MD from Mennonite Health Journal, Vol. 15, No. 1, January 2013 Those of us of a certain age will remember Candid Camera, arguably the first...

Spiritual Dimensions of Healthcare

Mennonite Health Journal Articles on the intersection of faith and health               Spiritual Dimensions of Healthcare Paul D. Leichty from Mennonite Health Journal, Vol. 15, No. 1, January 2013 Since the beginning of the Christian movement, caring for the health...

MHJ – January 2013

Mennonite Health Journal Articles on the intersection of faith and health               Mennonite Health Journal, Vol. 15, No. 1, January 2013 Paul D. Leichty from Mennonite Health Journal, Vol. 15, No. 1, January 2013 Welcome to the 15th year of Mennonite Health...

Poverty and Restorative Strategies

Mennonite Health Journal Articles on the intersection of faith and health               Poverty and Restorative Strategies Murray Nickel, MD from Mennonite Health Journal, Volume 14, No. 3, October 2012 If you encountered someone caught in a car wreck, no doubt you...

Fantasies, Frustrations, and Fun

Mennonite Health Journal Articles on the intersection of faith and health               Fantasies, Frustrations, and Fun Mark Troyer, MD from Mennonite Health Journal, Volume 14, No. 3, October 2012 Reflections on Tanzania Through medical school I spent most of my...