
How MHF communicates with you

Communications Overview

Communication is crucial for a diverse international organization like Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship. MHF keeps its membership in touch with each other in the following ways:

MHF Update and Announcements – A monthly email communication containing news, announcements, and information of particular interest to MHF members.

Mennonite Health Journal – This official publication of Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship is published electronically online, via email, and in social media.

MHF Blog – Periodic news items, short articles and opinion pieces of interest to the general public, as well as the latest information about MHF.  The blog will expand as interest dictates.  Currently, these are pages devoted specifically to blog categories:

Social Media

  • Facebook – Participate in the social media scene by selecting “Like” on the MHF Facebook page.
  • Twitter – Join our Twitter feed and refer to MHF through the hashtag #mennohealth.




Mennonite Health Journal