Member Directory

A private directory for MHF contributor members

MHF Member Directory

The Member Directory system exists for the benefit of MHF administration and members to facilitate networking, seek information from each other, and build relationships.  Please contact the MHF Office for your login information.

About the MHF Database

This directory is built upon the databases inherited from MHF’s predecessor organizations, Mennonite Medical Association (MMA) and Mennonite Nurses Association (MNA). The directory lists everyone on those databases as well as those who have joined MHF since its inception.  In some cases, information may be out of date.  Everyone on this database is called a “donor” regardless of their membership status or whether they have contributed in any way.  

You may log in following the instructions below to view your own contact information and private contributions history. If you wish to view the contact information of others, please contact the MHF Office.


  1. Go to the MHF Donor Tools Home Page.
  2. Follow the links on the right to sign in (previous user) or sign up (new user).  If you are not sure whether you have signed up, try signing up as a new user and you should be informed if there is already an account with that email address. 
  3. Follow the instructions you are given.
  4. The system is keyed to your email address which you have previously provided to MHF.  If your email address does not work, please contact the MHF Office.
  5. Special Note: The functionality of the online database that allows you to see your membership contributions record has seemingly changed. Please contact the MHF Office with any questions about your past membership contributions. 



Mennonite Health Journal