Spring Membership Challenge

Contributions in June will be matched up to $5,000

Support the mission of MHF!

Help meet the challenge!

Spring 2019 Membership Campaign

Update! Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship is grateful to all of you who helped make possible the successful completion of its Spring Membership Campaign to raise $25,000 by the end of June 2019! 

During the summer months, MHF needs an additional $5,000 to balance the budget for the fiscal year which ends August 31, 2019.  You may use the blue buttons below or send your check in the mail to MHF, PO Box 918, Goshen, IN 46527. 

Your involvement in Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship (MHF) shows that you care about the integration of your Christian faith and your healthcare profession.

Here are some of the ways in which MHF is active to help you do that. Please follow the links that interest you and then renew your membership through the MHF Membership Form button below.

MHF needs your support now!

Membership Information Form

If you are new to Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship or have not given since September 2018, please give us up-to-date contact information and choose a membership level.

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/donation-thermometer/.$25,000‘Thanks$3,250‘Thanks13%

Spring 2019 Fundraising

Goal: $25,000
Date: June 15, 2019

Contributions Form

If you are making an extra gift since September to help meet the Matching Challenge, please use this Contributions Form to make a gift in any amount. 

Indigo MillerI am personally thankful to MHF for offering valuable opportunities in leadership and networking as a young professional, and their generosity via the Steven Roth Memorial Grant Program in support of my public health volunteering in Tanzania.

Indigo Miller, RN, BSN, MPH

Steven Roth Grant recipient, Board Member, 2018-



Mennonite Health Journal