Affordable Care Act webinar

Webinar Archive Regional Meeting Webinar - February 2018 The Affordable Care Act under the Trump Administration Thursday, February 15, 2018, 7:00 p.m. EST Introduction: Joseph Longacher, MHF Board Moderator: Kenton Derstine, MHF Board Presenter: Timothy Stoltzfus...

Kenton T. Derstine

Kenton T. Derstine Rockingham, Virginia Chaplain/Pastoral Educator As a member of Mennonite Chaplains Association I was intrigued when I learned about the emergence and vision of MHF. Rather than a separate organization designed to serve the needs of each profession I...

Lyubov Slashcheva, DDS

Lyubov Slashcheva, DDS Iowa City, Iowa Dental Resident/Fellow Engaging with the mission of MHF allows me to bridge my identity as a follower of Jesus and healthcare professional, allowing me to strengthen the faith-based motivations in my career as a...

Indigo Miller, BSN, RN

Indigo Miller, BSN, RN Boston, Mass. RN & MPH Candidate MHF does important work providing opportunities for health professionals and students to build relationships across disciplines while encouraging tough conversations centered on how faith influences our...