
The latest information on MHF Regional Meetings.

Regional Meetings

Since Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship is an international fellowship of healthcare professionals, much of its work is carried out via mail, phone, and electronic communications. However, in areas where there are clusters of members, large or small, MHF encourages Regional Meetings so Anabaptist healthcare professionals can meet together for mutual encouragement, fellowship, and networking.

New! The Board and Staff are now working to identify Regional Coordinators in each area where there are a cluster of members. Volunteers and “shoulder tappers” are needed! Here are some resources to help:

Below is a listing of areas where Regional Meetings have either occurred or are planned. A Coordinator or coordinating group in each area works with the MHF Office to plan and coordinate these events. If your area is not listed, contact the MHF Office to find out how you can help start a group. The following is a listing of currently active groups and their most recent or anticipated meeting:

Regional Meeting Goals

  1. Provide a face to face setting where members from all healthcare professions can learn to know each other personally and develop relationships for fellowship and networking.
  2. Provide resources of encouragement and support to each other through speakers, discussion forums, and other programs of interest.
  3. Build interest and enthusiasm among current MHF members for the Annual Gatherings.
  4. Recruit additional healthcare professionals in the area.
  5. Meet and encourage students interested in healthcare professions and acquaint them with and invite them to join MHF.
  6. Support and find ways to connect students in healthcare studies programs with healthcare professionals in their area of interest.



Mennonite Health Journal