Virtual Gatherings 2020
Virtual Gathering Series planned for 2020
Virtual Gathering Series 2020
Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship is organizing a Virtual Gathering Series with a number of online events spread out over the spring and summer of 2020. The series provides an alternate way for Anabaptist healthcare professionals to gather due to the suspension or postponement of all in-person MHF Gatherings for 2020. The Virtual Gathering Series also responds to the needs of Anabaptist healthcare professionals for resources at the intersection of faith and healthcare during these challenging pandemic times.
Tentative plans call for online webinars on international Mennonite health ministries, COVID-19 and its legacy, dealing with trauma and moral injury in the workplace, and an opportunity to dialogue with the Board and the new MHF Executive Director.
Here is what you can do to make this possible:
- Volunteers are still needed for a Virtual Gathering Planning Committee. Meetings will be via email and online conference calls. Email the MHF Office if you are interested.
- Contribute to the Spring Membership and Fundraising Campaign so that MHF has the funds to make this possible. The goal is to raise $20,000 to simply balance the budget plus an extra $5,000 or more to provide the needed cushion for these extra events. MHF wants to keep all webinar events free of charge in order to attract new members, but will offer the opportunity for extra contributions at each event.
- Send us your ideas for potential presenters and persons to be interviewed for webinars and podcasts over the spring and summer. Email
- Watch for announcements of each event and register early to make sure you have a virtual “seat.” The current webinar limit is 100 connections for each webinar, but if interest warrants, we will consider investing in an increased limit.
- Pass along each announcement to several friends who might be interested in the topics but may not be on MHF’s mailing lists.
Virtual Gatherings coming soon
Watch this space or email announcements for the first Virtual Gathering!
Please visit the Virtual Gatherings page!
Next Gatherings
- DC Regional Gathering has been suspended until further notice.
- Virtual Gatherings - A fall series in planned as a follow-up to Virtual Annual Gathering
- Annual Gathering 2021
September 17-19, 2021
Online on Zoom - Annual Gathering 2022 October 14-16th 2022, MCC Welcoming Place, Akron, OH
Watch for more information on all of these events!