News from our congregation, denomination and around the worldStephen Roth Grant Report: Teresa and Dale Regier in Nazareth, Israel
Mennonite Health Journal, Vol. 22, No. 1, August 2023. PDF ReportStephen Roth Grant Report Serve Nazareth, Nazareth, Israel April 1 – June 26, 2023 Teresa Regier Earlier this spring, my husband Dale and I spent 3 months volunteering with Serve Nazareth....
Martin Luther King Jr., Health Equity, and the Five Life Standards
This past week, we honored the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, who championed and gave his life in the struggle for the Civil Rights Movement and for the Dream of Equality of All. We have come a long way in many respects yet there is still work to be...
MHF Virtual Conversation: Provider Support Call – How Does Your Anabaptist Faith Impact How You Practice in Healthcare?
MHF invites you to another provider support conversation! Saturday May 1st, at 10 am Eastern on Zoom! All healthcare providers, in any field, are invited to share a time of fellowship and prayer together. Our theme for this support conversation will be: How does your...
View Recording of Paul Leichty’s Retirement Celebration
If you missed Paul's ZOOM Retirement Celebration, join us in Celebrating by Watching Here! USE PASSCODE: 2S&$%*8h Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship has been deeply enriched by Paul Leichty's service and ministry. We are so grateful for the years...
NEW EPISODE! Meet Cate Desjardins, new Executive Director
Episode 11: Introducing Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship’s new executive director, Cate Desjardins, MDiv, MPH. Chaplaincy during Covid19, Miracles, Surrogate Decision-Making and More.
New Board Members Appointed
New Board Members Appointed Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship announces the appointment of two new members to join its Board of Directors. This brings the total number of Board members to nine for the program year from September 1, 2018...
Call for Proposals
Mennonite Health Journal, Vol. 18, No. 5, August 10, 2016 Full Title Author Supporting information as needed Call for Proposals: Workshops/Plenary Sessions Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship Annual Gathering 2018 Proposal Deadline: Sunday, November 12, 2017 You are...
Lyubov Slashcheva Grant Project Report
Nearly two years before I was born, the Roth family grieved the loss of their son to undifferentiated adeno-carcinoma. His family and friends honored Steven by establishing a tangible ongoing influence representing these wishes through a memorial fund which provides for Steven Roth Memorial Grant Program. Now, over 25 years later, I have been granted the opportunity to take part in Steven’s legacy, reflecting the way of Jesus to which we are all called to devote our unique gifts and circumstances.