Annual Gathering postponed

Event postponed until September 2021





Annual Gathering postponed

MHF Annual Gathering 2020, scheduled for September 18-20, 2020, at Laurelville Mennonite Church Center, has been postponed until September 17-19, 2021.

The COVID-19 Pandemic has greatly affected many programs and activities of Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship. On April 17, MHF announced the transformation of the DC Regional Gathering scheduled for June into a Virtual Gathering with several online webinars. For several more weeks, we hoped to hold Annual Gathering 2020 in person, on September 18-20, 2020, at Laurelville. However, at its meeting on Thursday, April 23, 2020, the MHF Board made the difficult decision to postpone the Annual Gathering currently being planned until September 2021. In doing so, the Board accepted the recommendation of the Annual Gathering Planning Committee due to pandemic-related uncertainties and the likelihood of physical distancing still being necessary in September 2020. The Board and the Planning Committee did not see a way to promote a gathering to which many Anabaptist healthcare workers would feel uncomfortable coming due to the uncertain risks.

Given the outstanding program which the Planning Committee had put together, MHF hopes to hold Annual Gathering next on September 17-19, 2021, at Laurelville, using much the same theme and presenters. The present Planning Committee has agreed to convene in January 2021 to resume the planning process.

View the alternate programming planned for 2020.

Visit the Annual Gathering 2020 page.

Visit the Annual Gathering 2021 page.

Next Gatherings

Watch for more information on all of these events!

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