The Blog
Keep up to date with the latest news and happenings.Fred Kauffman
J. Fred Kauffman will be joining Curtis Book at this year’s Annual Gathering. He currently serves as the intern pastor at Methacton Mennonite Church, Norristown, Pennsylvania, and resides in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where he and his wife Minh have lived since 1994....
Curtis Book
Curtis W. Book is passionate about countering gun violence in his hometown of Philadelphia. At this year’s MHF Annual Gathering, Curtis will join J. Fred Kauffman in their workshop on addressing the public health problem of gun violence. Curtis has worked and lived...
Ann Thyle
Dr. Ann Thyle never considered practicing medicine in a rural setting. She was bound for a career in academic medicine. However, after visiting a small mission hospital in the foothills of the Himalayas, her family was called to provide temporary assistance for the...
Bwire Chirangi
Dr. Bwire Chirangi is the medical officer-in-charge at Shirati KMT Hospital, Shirati, Tanzania. He is the son of the late Mtaragara Chirangi, an early leader in the Tanzanian Mennonite Church. Dr. Chirangi lives with his wife Violeth, daughter Brielle and two newborn...
David Gullman
David Gullman, VA, serves as a co-pastor in the rural Mennonite church of Timberville, Virginia, as well as the pastor at Pleasant View, Inc., an agency that serves individuals with disabilities in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County, Virginia. For the past 14 years,...
MHF President’s Column, May 2015
MHF President’s Column, May 2015 Eric Lehman, MD from Mennonite Health Journal, Vol. 17, No. 2 - May 2015 Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship (MHF) is approaching its fourth anniversary as an organization with a mission to be an interdisciplinary community of Anabaptist...
Anticipation and Response
Anticipation and Response Paul D. Leichty from Mennonite Health Journal, Vol. 17, No. 2 - May 2015 Anticipation! Can we allow ourselves to feel it? Is there something to which we can indeed look forward? I hope that Annual Gathering 2015 is indeed an event that you...
SET Report – Macha Mission Hospital, Zambia
SET Report - Macha Mission Hospital, Zambia Brianna Moyer, MD from Mennonite Health Journal, Vol. 17, No. 2 - May 2015 During high school, I had the opportunity to go on my first international mission trip to Haiti. My church had established a relationship with an...
Healthcare Beyond the Exam Room in Roatán, Honduras
Healthcare Beyond the Exam Room in Roatán, Honduras Benjamin Ruth, MD from Mennonite Health Journal, Vol. 17, No. 2 - May 2015 Roatán is the largest of the bay islands off the coast of Honduras. Surrounded by the world’s second greatest barrier reef, it has become a...
Water: Essential to Life and Health
Water: Essential to Life and Health Lyubov Slashcheva from Mennonite Health Journal, Vol. 17, No. 2 - May 2015 Water, in its three physical states, is what distinguishes Earth from other planets. The relative presence of water also determines whether a...