COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Resources for individuals, congregations, and ministries
Featured Resources
Special Podcasts!
- MennoHealth Cast, Episode 8: Front line providers: Two nurses who have been redeployed during the pandemic discuss some of the challenges of redeployment and working at the front line of the pandemic. Coming soon!
- MennoHealth Cast, Episode 7: Interview with Joe Kotva, PhD, bioethicist.
- MennoHealth Cast Episode 6: Interview with Dr. Dan Nafziger, specialist in infectious diseases and epidemiology.
Go to MennoHealth Cast blog.
Go to podcast site on The Mennonite.
Tips for Living during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The following list was compiled following the MHF Webinar Discussion on COVID-19 held on March 30, 2020. It is presented as a downloadable one page sheet in PDF. If you find it helpful, please share with your faith communities.
Anabaptist Mennonite Resources
Managing COVID-19: Caring for ourselves and each other Particularly for congregations. Developed by a congregation and published in PDF by Everence. In English and Spanish.
Live Well, Work Well A flyer from MHS (Mennonite Health Services)
COVID-19 Resources from MHS
With particular attention to MHS member organizations including hospitals, mental health facilities, senior living communities, and disabilities services providers. (MHF is also a member organization of MHS Alliance)
Coronavirus preparedness. A message from Everence Financial which covers many areas from caring for yourself and others to investments.
Other Christian Resources
COVID-19 Resources from Christian Connections for International Health (CCIH)
Preparing your Church for Coronavirus (COVID-19) A Step-by-Step, Research-Informed and Faith-Based Planning Manual from the Humanitarian Disaster Institute of Wheaton College
From Sojourners:
1. Community Without Communing: Resources for Virtual Church
Digital pastors weigh in on shepherding congregations through quarantine.
2. The Time to Act Like a Community Is Now
COVID-19 is testing our understanding and commitment to our interdependence as the body of Christ.
3. The Church’s Role in a Pandemic
A pandemic of this magnitude is an opportunity to ask ourselves: What is the true function of community?
4. Our Church Doors Are Shut and Our Members Quarantined. Yet Grace Abounds
On March 7, Christ Church, Georgetown’s rector, Tim Cole, was diagnosed with COVID-19. Rev. Crystal Hardin speaks to her church’s response.
5. Protect Your Mental Health While Practicing Social Distancing
Most people battling depression already feel isolated.
6. The First Rule of Pastoring During an Outbreak: Tell the Truth
Do pastors have any unique responsibilities in the midst of an outbreak?
U.S. Resources
Resources from the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Coronavirus home page for CDC.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Starting point for up-to-date national information.
Fact Sheets. Helpful handouts and posters for your office or church.
World Resources
World Health Organization (WHO) on Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
WHO Emerging respiratory viruses. Includes 5-minute video on “2019 Novel Coronavirus”
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If you appreciate the services of Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship (MHF), consider making a contribution or becoming a member!

Annual Gathering 2021 Report
Annual Gathering 2021 was unlike any other Annual Gathering MHF has held! For one thing, due to ongoing concerns around COVID19 and the Delta surge, it was not feasible to meet in person this year. We could not give each other hugs after a long unprecedented year of...

NEW Podcast Episode: Social Epidemiology during the Pandemic, a Mennos in Medicine Special
Mennos in Medicine: Social epidemiology comes to life during a pandemic; An interview with Allison Ruark Allison Ruark discusses her first year of teaching epidemiology during a pandemic and life changes the pandemic has brought to her and her family, with a...

Annual Gathering goes VIRTUAL for 2021!
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