Annual Gathering 2021

Seeking Shalom: Presence and Transformation

Annual Gathering 2021 – VIRTUAL!

September 17-19, 2021

Online on Zoom

Fostering Provider Resilience

 Theme Statement:

After an unimaginable year in healthcare, Annual Gathering 2021 will be a restorative, connecting space for Anabaptist healthcare providers to explore how our faith contributes to our resilience and the distinctiveness of being an Anabaptist healthcare provider. In a partnership with Minnesota Peacebuilding Leadership Institute, MHF is pleased to offer a 2-hour Introduction to Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience specifically for MHF healthcare providers (thanks to a generous Innovation Grant from MHS). Our Friday plenary session will explore how we might apply the 5 Life Standards of More with Less to a healthcare environment, and there will be plenty of sessions for prayer, connecting, and networking.  


September 17th 12 EST Lunch Break Workshop

“Sitting with suffering: keeping hold of your faith while working in a violent world” – Lead by Beth Good

September 17th 1pm EST Opening & Prayer Together

“Praying for Ourselves, Our Patients, Our World”

September 17th 7 pm EST Plenary

“The five life standards for the healing professions: caring more with less” – Lead by Lyubov Slashcheva and members of the MHF Board


September 18th 9am -11 am EST STAR TRAINING

“Introduction to Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience for Cultural Competence, Racial Healing and Equity (Intro to STAR)”With the Minnesota Peacebuilding Leadership Center

September 18th 11 am EST Coffee Chat & Networking

September 18th 3pm EST Affinity Group Meetings

Chaplains, Nurses, Physicians, Others


September 19th 9 am EST Coffee Hour

“Ethics for Breakfast”: Discernment Around Real-Life Ethical Issues from an Anabaptist Perspective 

September 19th 2pm EST Sunday Plenary 

Sharing Our Stories of Courage and Creativity During the Pandemic: What Will We Bring WIth Us? A Panel and Community Discussion, lead by Charlene Epp 

September 19th 5pm EST Closing Session

Prayer + Networking Coffee Hour

    Next Gatherings

    Watch for more information on all of these events!



    Mennonite Health Journal