The Blog

Keep up to date with the latest news and happenings.

The future of MHF Gatherings

Changes in MHF Gatherings In order to provide opportunities for more persons to experience the encouragement, support, and inspiration of MHF Gatherings and Meetings, Annual Gathering will be moving to a new time of year and additional opportunities will be developed for Regional Gatherings and Regional Meetings in different parts of the country…

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Similarities and Differences

              Mennonite Health Journal, Vol. 20, No. 3,  July 30, 2019 Similarities and Differences in Healthcare Student Elective Term (SET) Report (PDF) By Leah AmstutzI had the privilege of spending the summer of 2019 in El Salvador participating in a Spanish and...

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Plain Complexity

           Featured Saturday workshop Annual Gathering 2019Cross-cultural healthcare service is not only overseas. Sometimes it can be among the Plain groups which are a part of our rich Anabaptist heritage in the U.S. and Canada. This...

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Mennonite Health Journal